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 Initial License for Architects and Landscape Architects


Initial Architcts:

To apply for an inital architectural license in North Dakota, please contact NCARB and request the transmittal of your NCARB File. As part of the transmittal you will receive a link to use to apply in North Dakota. You will need to establish a login and passoword using the email address you used to submit your NCARB file. You will need to verify your email address and then login to the system. You can submit your applicaiton online and either pay with a credit card or mail your check payment to the central office.

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact the NDSBA Central office at 701-223-3540 or email Stacy Krumwiede at


Initial Landscape Architects: The North Dakota State Board of Architecture and Landscape Architecture requires completion of all requirements for a record with CLARB. This includes requirements for examination, education, work experience and references. Once complete, you would have your record submitted to us requesting that ND be your initial state of registration.


Anyone seeing a landscape architectural license please complete the Initial Application for Landscape Architecture HERE and submit a check for $150 to the address below.

ND State Board of Architecture
PO Box 7370
Bismarck, ND 58507


Once the board receives your CLARB transmittal, application and application fee, they will then review your application and if everything is in order, would grant the license.


The landscape architect system will also be updated in the near future.